I’m a Partner

To and support schools

  • Access to the best products on the market.
  • Confidence of security and reliability.
  • Access to new business opportunitiess.

Millions of users trust Wonde daily


Apps integrated with Wonde


Schools trust Wonde

35 million

Individuals data managed


Countries supported by Wonde

The benefits of a collaborative, innovative partnership cannot be underestimated

We are always looking for partners we can grow with, innovate with and work together with to provide superior products and services to education providers. Whether you’re a large or small IT Support provider, there are multiple ways we can nurture a successful partnership together.

600+ apps already using Wonde daily

The power of secure simplicity

The Wonde family extends beyond data management. We have innovative products that are simply designed and provide schools with secure, powerful solutions that work. Explore them here.

Wonde saves you time by automating the adding of students and teachers to your G Suite for Education Account… and much more!

Wonde saves you time by automating the adding of students and teachers to your G Suite for Education Account… and much more!

I’m a Partner

Ready to innovate and support schools

Our team will handle
all the details.